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Bike Drop Off And Pick Up Services

Bike drop off and pick up services are a recent trend that is big in America and is just starting to kick off here in Europe. The service means that you can transport bikes to your customers via a roof rack or trailer to their address or chosen drop-off point as well as pick them up. If you haven’t yet thought about adding this service to your bike rental business, here are some reasons why you might want to.

1. The service can bring in additional income for your business, as you can charge customers for dropping off and picking up their bikes.

2. The service will give your business a competitive advantage over your rivals. More and more people will not want the hassle of picking up and/or dropping off the bikes they have rented.

3. The service will mean your business can attract hotels, businesses, places of education, etc. by advertising the fact that you can deliver to them.

4. You could even offer to drop off and pick up their rented bikes from different locations, allowing customers to have the freedom to cycle from A to B.

5. During the off-season, customers sometimes need that extra temptation to come out and brave the cold. This service might just be that crucial factor.

If you have any questions on this matter or how Booking YoYo can help you integrate this service into your business, then feel free to contact us.

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